Yup, Its been that long since I posted. Oops.
I don't really feel the need to post unless I have something post worthy...or Casey guilts me into updating. Nice one, Casey.
So I guess I'll update now. At the moment, we're still putting guest lists together. Did you know getting honest to goodness guestlists out of parents is like pulling teeth. It is. No one told me this. It looks like the number should be **around** 250. It seemed like a good compromise number as Tay's Dad would like everyone he knows (half the state the North Carolina) to come and I would still prefer to elope :) . So...250 it is.
Tay's rents have been looking into booking stuff. With under eight months to go I've been told now is the time to do such things. What suprised/delighted me was their interest in renting tents! Tents! I never dreamed of being able to have tents! Imagine the celing room to hang all sorts of lovely lights and lanterns. That would be fun, no? They are also planning to rent a combination of regular round tables and cocktail tables. I didn't know you could rent cocktail tables, in fact, I didn't really know what a cocktail table was until this wedding started happening. They are simply tall little tables that 4-5 people can stand at. Badda boom. Tables for hip young people to look cool at. (You're welcome young hip people).
My dress is now on its way to being made. Yay! And I'm still slowly making progress on my little knitted bolero. I now offically have three "bridesmaids", as my former room mate Becka has joined the dark side (my side). We'll be choosing a dress pattern for her one of these days.
There you go. I updated. (You're welcome, Casey)
Scent can be very problematic
If something is beautiful to look at it’s not difficult usually to look at
it. You can stare, consider, think that arrangement is top heavy, close
your e...
50 minutes ago